
Brain Teasers 1 (28/06/2020

Hello and good morning my friends, welcome back to my blog. this is is my first brain teasers blog. plz. try these " Mind blowing brain teasers ". Q1. Which of the statements is incorrect: i) The Sun between the Earth and Moon ii) The Earth between the Moon and Sun iii) The Moon between the Sun and Earth Q2. What are the next three letters in the following sequence?J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, __, __, __  Q3. Jimmy’s mother had four children. She named the first Monday. She named the second Tuesday, and she named the third Wednesday. What is the name of the fourth child? Q4. What is full of holes but can still hold water? Q5. I do not have any special powers, but I can predict the score of any football game before it begins. How can I do this? Q6. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I? Q7. What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands? Q8. Guess the next three letters in the series G T N T L __ __ __. Q9.


Good morning my my dear friends👬 , welcome to my first blog. I made this blog to check your IQ level. Every week I would publish a blog full of brain teasers. Tell me in the comments that you have done it. So friends, starting from next week checking your IQ level. Till then bye and have a good day👋 .